Supa NuMarket offers the following services to our clients:
Officially appointed dealers
- Workmanship is guaranteed for 12 months and materials are guaranteed for 5 years, or according to manufacturers specifications
- Installed by permanent, professional fitters
- The least amount of joins possible
- Combine and coordinate your floor heating and flooring requirements
- Best price offered without compromising quality.
We are proud appointed dealers for installations of:
-------------------------- BELCOTEX COLLECTION ---------------------------
Belgotex offer a wide choice of beautiful carpets. Discover the beauty and versatility of carpets. The wide range of textures and styles available will suit any decor scheme and offer many benefits in terms of appearance, durability and cost.
For detailed specifications as to style, durability and individual colours of our product range please contact us.
---------------------------- NOUWENS CARPETS -----------------------------
Nouwens Carpets has been a family business since 1962 and over time this company developed into an innovative market leader, enjoying a sound reputation for quality and craftsmanship.
Constant updating and commissioning of the latest systems available in the world ensure that Nouwens can produce products which hold their own internationally. Their philosophy has always been understated, classic luxury at all levels.
----------------------------- CROSSLEY CARPETS -----------------------------
Crossley specialises in woven Axminster and Wilton carpets for the top end of the residential market and for custom designed contracts where creativity, appearance retention, aesthetics and dimensional stability are prime factors. Crossley is proud to be the largest woven carpet manufacturer in Africa and a leading supplier of custom woven products worldwide.
--------------------------- CARPET CLEANING TIPS ---------------------------
Pile crush is seen mostly on new carpets and is caused by pressure on rolls of material while in storage. With normal usage, maintenance and time, the carpets will recover by itself.
If a single tuft sprouts from a cut pile carpet, simply trim to level with a pair of scissors. In a loop-pile carpet, do not cut a loop which stands out prominently. Simply raise the loop next to it to even it out. Do not try to pull a loop out. This could cause a hole in the carpet.